Press RSS Feed RSS Feed with current press releases of ${fairName} EN Sat, 08 Feb 2025 01:26:13 +0100 Sat, 08 Feb 2025 01:26:13 +0100 Press RSS Feed Hendrik Rawe is new department head at Deutsche Messe Hendrik Rawe is the new department head for the trade fairs LIGNA, INTERSCHUTZ, parts2clean, and SurfaceTechnology GERMANY at Deutsche Messe. Mon, 04 Nov 2024 09:35:20 +0100 e4db05f3-727b-4d50-aa42-846444dc72a2 Hendrik Rawe_1

Hendrik Rawe is new department head at Deutsche Messe

Hendrik Rawe is the new department head for the trade fairs LIGNA, INTERSCHUTZ, parts2clean, and SurfaceTechnology GERMANY at Deutsche Messe.
Expectations fulfilled: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2024 SurfaceTechnology GERMANY came to a successful close with around 4,000 visitors from 53 countries, representing a 32% share of foreign visitors. About 240 exhibitors drew a consistently positive balance: intensive discussions, a high proportion of first-class contacts and a well-attended Expert Forum on all three days fulfilled the expectations. Once again, the event demonstrated that surface technology as a cross-sectional technology has a home in all industrial sectors. Thu, 13 Jun 2024 19:56:08 +0200 ecaec977-afea-4898-898f-c85a2cf20bde STG24_STR_OS_052314

Expectations fulfilled: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2024

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY came to a successful close with around 4,000 visitors from 53 countries, representing a 32% share of foreign visitors. About 240 exhibitors drew a consistently positive balance: intensive discussions, a high proportion of first-class contacts and a well-attended Expert Forum on all three days fulfilled the expectations. Once again, the event demonstrated that surface technology as a cross-sectional technology has a home in all industrial sectors.
Successfully started - SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2024 (4 to 6 June) Today marks the start of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY - the International Trade Fair for Surface Technology - in Stuttgart. From 4 - 6 June, around 240 exhibitors from 16 countries will be presenting their solutions, products and services and highlighting the latest trends in the surface technology industry. As a cross-sectional technology, surface technology has a home in all sectors. The spectrum of industrial sectors from which visitors come to SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is correspondingly broad. Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:43:51 +0200 49301b7c-50f6-4fa9-a905-bfb195eb13d8 PM-4

Successfully started - SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2024 (4 to 6 June)

Today marks the start of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY - the International Trade Fair for Surface Technology - in Stuttgart. From 4 - 6 June, around 240 exhibitors from 16 countries will be presenting their solutions, products and services and highlighting the latest trends in the surface technology industry. As a cross-sectional technology, surface technology has a home in all sectors. The spectrum of industrial sectors from which visitors come to SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is correspondingly broad.
The countdown to the surface technology industry's leading event is on In just a few days, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will be inviting the surface technology industry to Stuttgart. Over three days, around 240 exhibitors will be demonstrating how they are resolutely dealing with the current challenges facing the industry. Mon, 27 May 2024 12:42:50 +0200 916e93f6-6063-4eb2-b87a-fd1ce87cabea PM 2_Onliner

The countdown to the surface technology industry's leading event is on

In just a few days, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will be inviting the surface technology industry to Stuttgart. Over three days, around 240 exhibitors will be demonstrating how they are resolutely dealing with the current challenges facing the industry.
Invitation to the surface technology industry get-together The current tasks in the surface technology sector are presenting companies with a number of challenges. The growing demands for environmental protection and sustainability, the emergence of new materials and technologies, heightened competitive pressure, geopolitical shifts leading to higher energy prices and disrupted supply chains, and the increasingly bleak economic situation since at least Q4/2023 are all factors to consider. Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:45:07 +0100 c0831a63-7663-47ad-abae-7dc123b4d0cd O_S22_Al_33_1580541.medium

Invitation to the surface technology industry get-together

The current tasks in the surface technology sector are presenting companies with a number of challenges. The growing demands for environmental protection and sustainability, the emergence of new materials and technologies, heightened competitive pressure, geopolitical shifts leading to higher energy prices and disrupted supply chains, and the increasingly bleak economic situation since at least Q4/2023 are all factors to consider.
Stuttgart Surface Technology Prize 2024 This year, the Fraunhofer IPA is once again awarding the Stuttgart Surface Technology prize "DIE OBERFLÄCHE". The award honors innovative applications and technologies within all disciplines of surface technology. The application phase begins on January 19, the award ceremony will take place June 4 at the Surface Technology Germany trade fair. Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:57:10 +0100 fb95d970-e2e5-42bd-b355-1604f1bc59ed Preis-die-Oberfläche

Stuttgart Surface Technology Prize 2024

This year, the Fraunhofer IPA is once again awarding the Stuttgart Surface Technology prize "DIE OBERFLÄCHE". The award honors innovative applications and technologies within all disciplines of surface technology. The application phase begins on January 19, the award ceremony will take place June 4 at the Surface Technology Germany trade fair.
Successful re-start of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY After being canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY experienced a successful re-start, attracting around 3000 attendees from Germany and neighboring EU countries. 220 exhibitors – nearly a third of them from abroad – presented their solutions, products and services at this networking hub for the surface technology industry, with the spotlight on the latest surface treatment trends. Fri, 24 Jun 2022 10:27:04 +0200 079ee887-40c3-4b84-a493-113ac8ffeb0b pm006_2022_2

Successful re-start of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY

After being canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY experienced a successful re-start, attracting around 3000 attendees from Germany and neighboring EU countries. 220 exhibitors – nearly a third of them from abroad – presented their solutions, products and services at this networking hub for the surface technology industry, with the spotlight on the latest surface treatment trends.
SurfaceTechnology GERMANY off to a successful start After the break due to COVID in 2020, the international trade fair for surface technology starts today in Stuttgart. From 21 – 23 June, around 220 exhibitors from 18 countries will present solutions, products and services and show what the current trends are in the surface treatment industry. As an interdisciplinary technology, surface technology is at home in all industries. The spectrum of industrial sectors from which visitors come to SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is correspondingly broad. Tue, 21 Jun 2022 13:23:35 +0200 a059488f-5c87-4282-b90e-fdd98e072e67 pm005_2022

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY off to a successful start

After the break due to COVID in 2020, the international trade fair for surface technology starts today in Stuttgart. From 21 – 23 June, around 220 exhibitors from 18 countries will present solutions, products and services and show what the current trends are in the surface treatment industry. As an interdisciplinary technology, surface technology is at home in all industries. The spectrum of industrial sectors from which visitors come to SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is correspondingly broad.
The SurfaceTechnology GERMANY countdown has started SurfaceTechnology GERMANY opens its doors on 21 June at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center, featuring a comprehensive and up-to-the-minute presentation of products and solutions. For the first time after the pandemic-induced break, representatives from throughout the surface technology industry will be meeting there to gather and exchange information on the latest developments and trends. Wed, 25 May 2022 09:24:58 +0200 0d2a435c-af34-44a3-ad07-23404500c338 pm_newsbereich_de

The SurfaceTechnology GERMANY countdown has started

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY opens its doors on 21 June at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center, featuring a comprehensive and up-to-the-minute presentation of products and solutions. For the first time after the pandemic-induced break, representatives from throughout the surface technology industry will be meeting there to gather and exchange information on the latest developments and trends.
Focus on sustainability and resource efficiency From June 21 to 23, trade visitors to Surface Technology GERMANY will get a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and topics in coating technologies. Featuring topic clusters, group pavilions and an exciting supporting program, this international trade fair for surface technology offers product innovations, solutions and a host of networking opportunities. Tue, 26 Apr 2022 10:50:04 +0200 bfd76955-4c05-4b88-8c98-62fd06597d2d pm003-2022_EN

Focus on sustainability and resource efficiency

From June 21 to 23, trade visitors to Surface Technology GERMANY will get a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and topics in coating technologies. Featuring topic clusters, group pavilions and an exciting supporting program, this international trade fair for surface technology offers product innovations, solutions and a host of networking opportunities.
Call for Papers now open for Expert Forum How far has the establishment of Industry 4.0 progressed in the field of surface technology and how is the legal framework (keyword REACh) currently affecting surface technology? And what is new in the area of supply chain legislation and technical regulations? Experts from research and industry will be addressing questions like these at the SurfaceTechnology GERMANY Expert Forum from 21 to 23 June 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany. Wed, 02 Mar 2022 09:52:47 +0100 22d09a3e-ca29-47c1-96e1-4883d6c49e86 pm002_2022

Call for Papers now open for Expert Forum

How far has the establishment of Industry 4.0 progressed in the field of surface technology and how is the legal framework (keyword REACh) currently affecting surface technology? And what is new in the area of supply chain legislation and technical regulations? Experts from research and industry will be addressing questions like these at the SurfaceTechnology GERMANY Expert Forum from 21 to 23 June 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Relaunch of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY this summer From 21 to 23 June 2022, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will be back! After a pandemic-induced hiatus in 2020, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will return to the Stuttgart exhibition grounds – with a new person in charge. Thu, 10 Feb 2022 15:51:18 +0100 7289277a-822a-411a-8389-ee364b652464 pm001_2022

Relaunch of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY this summer

From 21 to 23 June 2022, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will be back! After a pandemic-induced hiatus in 2020, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will return to the Stuttgart exhibition grounds – with a new person in charge.
SurfaceTechnology GERMANY and parts2clean cancelled for 2020 After intensive discussions and considerations, it was decided: The trade fairs SurfaceTechnology GERMANY and parts2clean, which were scheduled for October in Stuttgart, cannot take place this year. Both events will return to regular rotation. Wed, 08 Jul 2020 10:12:28 +0200 421a367a-2c03-499c-8042-3355a65cfe59 238_20_stg20_facebook_1200x630px_e1

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY and parts2clean cancelled for 2020

After intensive discussions and considerations, it was decided: The trade fairs SurfaceTechnology GERMANY and parts2clean, which were scheduled for October in Stuttgart, cannot take place this year. Both events will return to regular rotation.
Industry Forum call for papers now open Addressing everything from Industry 4.0 and energy efficiency to the EU REACH regulation, the Industry Forum being held at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY – international trade fair for surface technology – provides valuable insight into all the latest trends as well as answers to today's most pressing questions in the surface technology sector. The call for papers is now open. Thu, 07 Nov 2019 08:39:25 +0100 4a01f1c7-ddca-4758-9c3f-9c4fedef0a3a Fachforum

Industry Forum call for papers now open

Addressing everything from Industry 4.0 and energy efficiency to the EU REACH regulation, the Industry Forum being held at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY – international trade fair for surface technology – provides valuable insight into all the latest trends as well as answers to today's most pressing questions in the surface technology sector. The call for papers is now open.
Spotlight on digitization and efficiency Surface technology: What is the current and future impact of digitization on the surface technology industry? And how can a company successfully meet the challenges of ever-changing energy and environmental regulations? Questions like these will be asked and answered at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, the trade fair which runs from 16 to 18 June 2020 in Stuttgart, Germany. Thu, 04 Jul 2019 13:20:12 +0200 f77e518a-9d55-4909-84a4-9562c576875e SurfaceTechnology2020

Spotlight on digitization and efficiency

Surface technology: What is the current and future impact of digitization on the surface technology industry? And how can a company successfully meet the challenges of ever-changing energy and environmental regulations? Questions like these will be asked and answered at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, the trade fair which runs from 16 to 18 June 2020 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Successful premiere of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY By 2 p.m. on Wednesday, it was already clear that SurfaceTechnology GERMANY had made the cut. The Stuttgart-based event was only half over, but most exhibitors already voiced a great deal of satisfaction, with many of them expressing downright enthusiasm over the large number of successful customer interactions. In the end, slightly more than 6,000 trade visitors attended SurfaceTechnology GERMANY over the three days of the event. Fri, 08 Jun 2018 11:48:47 +0200 daf48a2b-7c98-49ba-b5a5-4ee07c59c883 SurfaceTechnology 2018

Successful premiere of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY

By 2 p.m. on Wednesday, it was already clear that SurfaceTechnology GERMANY had made the cut. The Stuttgart-based event was only half over, but most exhibitors already voiced a great deal of satisfaction, with many of them expressing downright enthusiasm over the large number of successful customer interactions. In the end, slightly more than 6,000 trade visitors attended SurfaceTechnology GERMANY over the three days of the event.
SurfaceTechnology GERMANY gets off to a successful start A new start – and continuity: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, which is now getting under way, represents both. The new name positions the International Trade Fair for Surface Technology in Stuttgart even more emphatically as the all-inclusive exhibition showcase for coating technologies. At the same time, the new trade fair is set to continue the success story of the former O&S with a large number of exhibitors. Tue, 05 Jun 2018 06:38:30 +0200 641226fd-4cca-4edf-ac34-18fc5522f3dc Opening Press Conference 2018

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY gets off to a successful start

A new start – and continuity: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, which is now getting under way, represents both. The new name positions the International Trade Fair for Surface Technology in Stuttgart even more emphatically as the all-inclusive exhibition showcase for coating technologies. At the same time, the new trade fair is set to continue the success story of the former O&S with a large number of exhibitors.
Rich array of topics to be covered at the SurfaceTechnology Forum From 5 to 7 June the SurfaceTechnology GERMANY Forum in Stuttgart is presenting a series of 20-minute talks on every conceivable aspect of surface technology. Tue, 10 Apr 2018 08:14:29 +0200 dbdd5572-e882-4493-b454-b1f98f853413 Forum Bewerbung

Rich array of topics to be covered at the SurfaceTechnology Forum

From 5 to 7 June the SurfaceTechnology GERMANY Forum in Stuttgart is presenting a series of 20-minute talks on every conceivable aspect of surface technology.
Strong market response, attractive lineup of topics The show's new name is meeting with widespread market approval: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY (formerly O&S) is already set to be the biggest show since the original event was launched back in 2008. Thu, 15 Mar 2018 07:44:46 +0100 21dd97d5-7720-4d73-8e86-b045871b93d3 O_S16_STR_9_1519445.original-1

Strong market response, attractive lineup of topics

The show's new name is meeting with widespread market approval: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY (formerly O&S) is already set to be the biggest show since the original event was launched back in 2008.
Attractive supporting program in June 2018 A visit to a trade show should be as efficient as possible – and at the same time deliver exciting new insights. The attractive supporting program at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY (formerly known as O&S) will feature themed clusters, group presentations as well as the SurfaceTechnology Forum. The goal is to give visitors a comprehensive overview of all the latest topics and important trends. Thu, 08 Feb 2018 09:01:07 +0100 01c5aa13-ea62-4646-8559-cee001dac90c O&S Forum

Attractive supporting program in June 2018

A visit to a trade show should be as efficient as possible – and at the same time deliver exciting new insights. The attractive supporting program at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY (formerly known as O&S) will feature themed clusters, group presentations as well as the SurfaceTechnology Forum. The goal is to give visitors a comprehensive overview of all the latest topics and important trends.
Expert forum at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY: Call for papers now open What's new in surface coating technology? What capabilities do the latest processes have to offer? How can Industry 4.0 be applied to surface coating/treatment tasks, and how can maximum material and energy efficiency be achieved? Research scientists and industry experts will be exploring these questions and many more at an expert forum to be held at the SurfaceTechnology GERMANY show, which runs from 5 to 7 June in Stuttgart. Tue, 16 Jan 2018 09:09:20 +0100 16b50f77-fccf-4df7-8284-4ed4205427a7 Forum

Expert forum at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY: Call for papers now open

What's new in surface coating technology? What capabilities do the latest processes have to offer? How can Industry 4.0 be applied to surface coating/treatment tasks, and how can maximum material and energy efficiency be achieved? Research scientists and industry experts will be exploring these questions and many more at an expert forum to be held at the SurfaceTechnology GERMANY show, which runs from 5 to 7 June in Stuttgart.
Great in-show events and fresh, new strategy a winning recipe for 2018 Leveraging established strengths to create fresh opportunities –that's the formula for SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, the international trade fair for surface treatment solutions, as it heads into its 2018 season (5–7 June) in Stuttgart. Thu, 06 Jul 2017 09:11:20 +0200 0fca8d02-0d56-481b-82df-98b96b4712d5 O_S16_STR_9_1519390-Holder

Great in-show events and fresh, new strategy a winning recipe for 2018

Leveraging established strengths to create fresh opportunities –that's the formula for SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, the international trade fair for surface treatment solutions, as it heads into its 2018 season (5–7 June) in Stuttgart.
O&S renamed as "SurfaceTechnology GERMANY" From now on, O&S is being renamed to "SurfaceTechnology GERMANY", and the new name will already apply for the next edition of the international trade fair for surface treatment technology, namely from 5 to 7 June 2018 in Stuttgart. Tue, 14 Mar 2017 07:17:31 +0100 ff1aa945-0b61-4b60-a6e2-68377475879c O_S16_STR_9_1518927 FLUX

O&S renamed as "SurfaceTechnology GERMANY"

From now on, O&S is being renamed to "SurfaceTechnology GERMANY", and the new name will already apply for the next edition of the international trade fair for surface treatment technology, namely from 5 to 7 June 2018 in Stuttgart.
Strong showing with high-quality, international trade audience Spirits were buoyant from day one among the approximately 300 exhibitors who appeared at O&S 2016 at the Stuttgart exhibition center, in halls 7 and 9. Visitors came in droves on opening day, bringing queries about specific applications as well as concrete investment plans. Mon, 06 Jun 2016 12:48:39 +0200 8034261d-b8c5-4a90-8e33-98743697c08a Flaggen O&S

Strong showing with high-quality, international trade audience

Spirits were buoyant from day one among the approximately 300 exhibitors who appeared at O&S 2016 at the Stuttgart exhibition center, in halls 7 and 9. Visitors came in droves on opening day, bringing queries about specific applications as well as concrete investment plans.
Innovative surface treatment technology to be showcased at O&S Energy, material and resource efficiency are going to be the key themes of O&S 2016. The international trade fair for surface treatments and coatings in Stuttgart reflects the industry's most important issues and provides answers to the challenges faced in surface treatment technology. Electroplating will receive comprehensive coverage from 31 May to 2 June. Tue, 31 May 2016 13:35:30 +0200 c71689e9-e32e-4c7d-aa34-88c4e14a4ed2 Eingang_O&S-p2c

Innovative surface treatment technology to be showcased at O&S

Energy, material and resource efficiency are going to be the key themes of O&S 2016. The international trade fair for surface treatments and coatings in Stuttgart reflects the industry's most important issues and provides answers to the challenges faced in surface treatment technology. Electroplating will receive comprehensive coverage from 31 May to 2 June.