A.I.F.M. - Italian Association of Metal Finishing is a no-profit association open to all the operators of the metal plating sector, having the scope to support the metal finishing industry in Italy.
Its mission is to:
• Spread the results of R&D studies related to metal finishing processes and applications.
• Operate for the protection of the environment.
• Aid and favour the exchange of information at the National and the International levels.
• Organise courses/seminars to promote the scientific and the technical education of the metal finishing workers.
• Offer technical consultancy and support
A.I.F.M. is also partner of two European Projects: MOZART, provide coating solutions for sustainable replacement of hard chromium (HC) coatings and LIFE FOUNTAIN, to propose solutions aiming to reduce the PFAS pollution both from the growndwater and the wastewater used in the surface finishing industry.